Find your perfect workout match at VEO, with offerings that cater to every fitness enthusiast.

Aquatics sessions enhance cardiovascular function, improve muscular health, and promote mental well-being, providing a holistic fitness experience.

At VEO, our dance sessions fuse enjoyment with fitness. Our trained instructors adeptly tailor routines targeting muscle groups, enhancing endurance, and promoting flexibility. Suitable for all levels, our sessions ensure maximum benefits, aiding weight loss and overall fitness improvement.

Our mindfulness sessions are crafted to enhance focus and mental clarity. Our experienced instructors guide practices such as meditation and yin yoga to cultivate inner peace, alleviate stress, and sharpen your mental acuity for improved concentration.

Certainly! At VEO, Martial Arts classes welcome beginners with tailored instruction and support from our experienced instructors. Whether you’re new to Martial Arts or have some experience, our classes ensure a comfortable and progressive learning environment for all skill levels.

To participate in racket sports, you’ll need appropriate equipment such as a racket (tennis, squash, etc.), suitable footwear, and balls (if applicable). At VEO, we provide rental options and offer guidance on selecting the right equipment for your needs.

At VEO, we offer a comprehensive range of weightlifting equipment to suit your training needs. This includes barbells, dumbbells, weight plates, squat racks, benches, and more. Our well-equipped facilities ensure you have everything necessary for a successful weightlifting session.